the grading scheme
We started watching a lot of movies and thought it would be fun to grade or rate them since many people started coming to us asking which movies they should go see! We decided to rank movies in three different categories (Kids & Family, Family and Adult) and created grading schemes for each category. We only recommend movies to friends and family if the movie gets above an 80% on our grading scheme, and try to hide the others, hehehe. We give each of the following criteria a grade out of 10 (Micah gives his grade and then I give mine and then we average our two grades together) and then add them all up and that gives us our % out of 100. If there is something that needs to be less arbitrary such as swearing and sexual content we use the grading scheme below and give it a flat grade based off of that. We assume that most people who go to movies are not the anal types who want to nit pick every little detail of a movie; but instead our grading scheme should be read as a general population going to see the movie. Example: If we give a movie an 80% we assume that 80% of people who go to see the movie will find SOMETHING they enjoyed in the movie and 20% were offended by the material in some way. If a movie gets a 60% we assume that 40% of people will be offended by something in it and that only 60% of people will find something worthwhile in the film. Based off of that we then put the movies into Must Go’s (90%+), Go’s (80%+), So-So (70%+), No (60%+), or Oh No (less than 60%). Before going to see a movie we will also give it an “expected grade” based on its hype and our hopes for the movie. If the movie turns out to be within 5% either direction from our “expected grade” the movie will get a “Expected…” in the comments beside the movie. If the movie is more than +5% better than our “expected grade” we will give it a “Pleasantly Surprised…” and if it is more than -5% off from our “expected grade” it will get a “Let Down…” This is important since a movie can get an 85% overall and still be considered a “Let Down…” by most people! And for those very special movies that are hyped and expected to be "Must Go's" (90+) and actually end up being within 5 points, they will get a "Lived Up to the Hype" classification.
Kids and Family Movie:
1. Is it a “Kids Friendly” movie? (eg. not scary, no cursing, sexuality)
2. Entertainment value for children 12 and under?
3. Entertainment value for teenagers?
4. Entertainment value for parents?
5. Entertainment value for males?
6. Entertainment value for females?
7. Teaching moments, role models, moral of story?
8. Is it a “classic”? (Replay value?)
9. Audio/Visual effects?
10. Not too cliché (unique and witty, not too slapstick or potty)?
Family Movie:
1. Appropriate for teenagers (eg. language, sexuality, violence)?
2. Entertainment value for girl teenagers (12 and up)?
3. Entertainment value for boy teenagers (12 and up)?
4. Entertainment value for adult females?
5. Entertainment value for adult males?
6. Teaching moments, role models, moral of story?
7. Is it a “classic”? (Replay value?)
8. Audio/Visual effects?
9. Not too cliché (unique and witty, not too slapstick)
10. Climax/Resolution/Ending?
Grown–up’s Movie:
1. Appropriate levels of sexuality?
2. Appropriate levels of language?
3. Appropriate levels of violence?
4. Entertainment value for females?
5. Entertainment value for males?
6. Teaching moments, role models, moral of story?
7. Is it a “classic”? (Replay value?)
8. Audio/Visual effects?
9. Not too cliché (unique and witty, not too slapstick)?
10. Climax/Resolution/Ending?
Sexuality Grading
Partial nudity: -0.5
Sex talk: -0.5
Nudity: -1.0
Sex: -1.0
Sex+ Nudity: -2.5
Rape: -2.5
Rape + Nudity: -4
Language Grading (For Adult movies: based on F-words)
0-4= 10
5-9 = 9.5
10-14 = 9
15-19 = 8.5
20-24 = 8
25-34 = 7.5
35-49 = 7
50-74 = 6.5
75-99 = 6
100-149 = <6
>150 = 0
Kids and Family Movie:
1. Is it a “Kids Friendly” movie? (eg. not scary, no cursing, sexuality)
2. Entertainment value for children 12 and under?
3. Entertainment value for teenagers?
4. Entertainment value for parents?
5. Entertainment value for males?
6. Entertainment value for females?
7. Teaching moments, role models, moral of story?
8. Is it a “classic”? (Replay value?)
9. Audio/Visual effects?
10. Not too cliché (unique and witty, not too slapstick or potty)?
Family Movie:
1. Appropriate for teenagers (eg. language, sexuality, violence)?
2. Entertainment value for girl teenagers (12 and up)?
3. Entertainment value for boy teenagers (12 and up)?
4. Entertainment value for adult females?
5. Entertainment value for adult males?
6. Teaching moments, role models, moral of story?
7. Is it a “classic”? (Replay value?)
8. Audio/Visual effects?
9. Not too cliché (unique and witty, not too slapstick)
10. Climax/Resolution/Ending?
Grown–up’s Movie:
1. Appropriate levels of sexuality?
2. Appropriate levels of language?
3. Appropriate levels of violence?
4. Entertainment value for females?
5. Entertainment value for males?
6. Teaching moments, role models, moral of story?
7. Is it a “classic”? (Replay value?)
8. Audio/Visual effects?
9. Not too cliché (unique and witty, not too slapstick)?
10. Climax/Resolution/Ending?
Sexuality Grading
Partial nudity: -0.5
Sex talk: -0.5
Nudity: -1.0
Sex: -1.0
Sex+ Nudity: -2.5
Rape: -2.5
Rape + Nudity: -4
Language Grading (For Adult movies: based on F-words)
0-4= 10
5-9 = 9.5
10-14 = 9
15-19 = 8.5
20-24 = 8
25-34 = 7.5
35-49 = 7
50-74 = 6.5
75-99 = 6
100-149 = <6
>150 = 0