July 14 2020: Nephite vs Lamanite
How do we distinguish a "Nephite" vs a "Lamanite"? What characteristics do each group have? Why is this important? ![]()
August 4 2020: Faith, Hope, Charity
Is all we need "love"? So long as your definition of love is correct! ![]()
August 9 2020: The Truth About Pornography; Rebellion vs Weakness
I get a lot of questions regarding pornography, and in fine, all sin that may or may not be the causes of church members falling away. In this I answer definitively which are the sins most grievous in the eyes of the Lord. May we as Saints weed out our rebellious heart.
August 13 2020: The Father; Hear Him
This pot of porridge is too hot, this pot of porridge is too cold, this pot of porridge is just right!
August 26 2020: The New Jerusalem, Zion, City of Holiness
I stood in New Jerusalem and looked up and saw New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven. What is going on? ![]()
August 28 2020: Celestial Law
I've received a lot of questions about Celestial Law- what's in it and where did I get that information from? In this paper I attempt to do just that. If you are having trouble living a terrestrial style life ie. The law of obedience and sacrifice, I'd recommend focusing on improving that first before moving on into understanding Celestial Law
September 6 2020: The Arm of Flesh
Don't trust in the arm of flesh, but before that you'd best know what that actually means... ![]()
September 9 2020: Keys of the Kingdom
September 22 2020: The Light of Christ, The Holy Ghost, The Second Comforter
The wise virgins took the Holy Spirit as their guide and were not deceived. So we'd best figure out what the Holy Spirit is! ![]()
October 19 2020: Priestcraft
October 28 2020: Pride
November 11 2020: Transmigration, Reincarnation, Multiple Probations
November 26 2020: The Lost Ten Tribes
December 4 2020: Tribalism, Covenants, Honesty
First we decide where we stand (tribalism). Then we decide what covenants we will make with those whom we stand with (covenants). The value of the covenants is determined by the honesty of the parties involved (honesty). ![]()
December 13 2020: 1/2 Hour of Silence
December 26 2020: The Second Chance Theory
December 30 2020: The Church of the Firstborn, Calling and Election Made Sure, the Second Comforter
January 18 2021: Transfiguration, Translation, Resurrection
March 12 2021: The War Continues
March 23 2021: Satan Unites, Jesus Divides
March 27 2021: Faith As the Brother of Jared
February 6 2022: Forgive