Upcoming Firesides:
December 20 2020 Fireside: With Blake from Defending Zion and Jordan from IReadScriptures
"What do you define belief as? Is it bad for our beliefs to change? Is it good? How could it be both good and bad? How is repentance connected to our beliefs? How would you respond to someone who challenges your belief by saying it is no better/no more true than their belief? How should we respond?"
December 27 2020 Fireside: With Blake from Defending Zion
"What is doctrine? What is Wisdom? What is procedure? What are commandments?"
January 3 2021 Fireside: With Jordan from IReadScriptures and Lindey from Looking Up LDS last days
“Having courage in the gospel, sharing the pure doctrine and not being silenced”
January 10 2021 Fireside: With Blake from Defending Zion
"The gathering of Israel/Covenants made to the House of Israel"
January 17 2021 Fireside: With Lindey from Looking Up LDS last days and Tyler from Latter-day Teachings
“As you keep your covenants with increasing precision, and as you defend the Church and kingdom of God on the earth today, the Lord will bless you with strength and wisdom to accomplish what ONLY members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can accomplish”
– President Nelson (Preparing the World for the Savior’s Second Coming) |
January 24 2021 Fireside: Conversion stories from Ashley English, Antonia Cavazos, Marco Guererro and others!
January 31 2021 Fireside: With Nick from The Art of Righteousness and Robert from God Family & Country
"Pride is the great stumbling block to Zion. I repeat, pride is the great stumbling block to Zion. We must cleanse the inner vessel by conquering pride. We must yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit..."
- President Ezra Taft Benson |
February 14 2021: Micah, Blake from Defending Zion and Brett Thompson will be discussing "Rending the Veil of Unbelief".
February 21 2021: Micah, Marlene from Building Zion and Korte from Exodus from Babylon discuss, "Leaving Babylon; Building Zion"
February 28 2021: With Lindey from Looking Up LDS last days and Tyler from Latter-day Teachings
“As the world speaks less of Jesus Christ, let us speak more of Him” –Elder Neil L. Andersen “We do not present [this truth/this doctrine/etc.] with any other expectation than that we are to be called to answer to every principle [we] advance, in that day when the secrets of all hearts will be revealed, and the reward of every man’s labor be given him”- Joseph Smith “Seek not to declare my word but seek first to obtain my word…”- Jesus Christ “Therefore, no matter how the world uses [terms], we must understand how God uses [terms] so we can understanding the language of holy write and profit thereby”- President Ezra Taft Benson The topic is: “Absolute Truth vs Relative Truth and Our Personal Accountability”
March 7 2021: With Jordan from IReadScriptures
Topic: “And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done?”
March 14 2021: With Blake from Defending Zion
Topic: The Lost Ten Tribes
March 21 2021: With Micah, Kaarina, Ashley, Kristen, Brian and Esther
Topic: "Train up a child in the way he should go"
March 28 2021: With Micah, Lindey from LookingUp LDS last days and Marlene from Building Zion
Topic: Becoming Sons and Daughters of God
April 11 2021: With Blake
Topic: Priestcraft
April 18 2021: With Kaarina (from With Prudence and Thanksgiving), Aaron and Eric
April 25 2021: "Wake Up" Stories
May 2 2021: With Ryan and Kelly Thompson, Micah and Ashley and Lindey from LookingUp LDS last days
Discussing sections from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith: 1. The Parable of the Leaven p.100 2. Destruction of the Wicked the End of the World p.100 3. The Treasure Hid in a Field p.101 4. The Net Cast in the Sea p.102 5. The Glorious Resurrection p.84 6. We Cannot Be Perfect Without Our Dead p.159
May 9 2021: Lectures on Faith: Lecture One (first six questions) with Blake
Question 1: What is theology? Question 2: What is the first principle in this revealed science? Question 3: Why is faith the first principle in this revealed science? Question 4: What arrangement should be followed in presenting the subject of faith? Question 5: What is faith? Question 6: How do you prove that faith is the principle of action in all intelligent beings?
May 16 2021: With Ryan and Kelly Thompson and Kim from Awake and Arise
Discussing sections from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith: 1. Righteousness to Sweep the Earth (p.83) 2. The Elect Must Be Gathered (p.84-85) 3. The New Jerusalem (p.85-86) 4. Zion and Jerusalem (p.17) 5. Importance of Revelation (p.70-71) 6. Every Man an Agent for Himself (p.12)
May 23 2021: Lectures on Faith: Lecture One (Questions 7-13)
Question 7: Is not faith the principle of action in spiritual things as well as in temporal? Question 8: How do you prove it? Question 9: Is faith any thing else beside the principle of action? Question 10: What is it? Question 11: How do you prove it? Question 12: How would you define faith in its most unlimited sense? Question 13: How do you convey to the understanding more clearly, that faith is the first great governing principle, which has power, dominion and authority over all things?
May 30 2021: With Ryan and Kelly Thompson and Kim from Awake and Arise
Discussing sections from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith: 1. Value of Chastisement (p.194-195) 2. Letter to Vienna Jaques (p.26-27) 3. Government Established by God (p.251-252) 4. Universal Peace to Come from God (p. 252-253) 5. Earth Now Groaning Under Corruption (p.253) 6. It Behooves Us to be Wise (p. 253-254)
June 6 20201: Lectures on Faith: Lecture Two
Questions 1-5: Is there a being who has faith in himself independently? Who is it? How do you prove that God has faith in himself independently? Is he the object in whom the faith of all other rational and accountable beings centers, for life and salvation? How do you prove it? Questions 6-7: How did men first come to the knowledge of the existence of a God, so as to exercise faith in him? What is the object of the foregoing quotation? Questions 8-10: What testimony had the immediate descendants of Adam, in proof of the existence of a God? Had any others of the human family, beside Adam, a knowledge of the existence of God, in the first instance, by any other means than human testimony? How do you know that the knowledge of the existence of God was communicated in this manner, throughout the different ages of the world? Questions 144-145: What testimony have men, in the first instance, that there is a God? What excited the ancient saints to seek diligently after a knowledge of the glory of God, his perfections and attributes? Questions 146-148: How do men obtain a knowledge of the glory of God, his perfections and attributes? Is the knowledge of the existence of God a matter of mere tradition, founded upon human testimony alone, until a person receives a manifestation of God to themselves? How do you prove it?
June 13 2021: With Blake and Eric discussing sections from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith:
1. Zion to Suffer Affliction p.34 2. The Righteous Suffer with the Guilty p.34-35 3. The Mission of Elijah p.323 4. Saints Come Through Tribulation p.261 5. The Value of Tribulation p.134 6. A Tried People p.135-136
June 20 2021: Lectures on Faith Lecture 3 Part One
1. Questions 1-2: What was shown in the second lecture? What is the effect of the idea of his existence among men? 2. Question 3-4: Is the idea of his existence, in the first instance, necessary in order for the exercise of faith in him? How do you prove it? 3. Question 5-6: How many things are necessary for us to understand, respecting the Deity and our relation to him, in order that we may exercise faith in him for life and salvation? What are they? 4. Question 7-8: Would the idea of any one or two of the above mentioned things, enable a person to exercise faith in God?Would an idea of these three things lay a sure foundation for the exercise of faith in God, so as to obtain life and salvation? 5. Questions 9-11: How are we to be made acquainted with the before mentioned things respecting the Deity, and respecting ourselves? Could these things be found out by any other means than by revelation? How do you prove it? 6. Question 12: What things do we learn in the revelations of God respecting his character? 7. Question 13: Where do you find the revelations which give us this idea of the character of the Deity?
June 27 2021: A Sunday evening fireside with Micah, Jordan Reed and Ryan + Kelly Thompson.
This week we will be going over another six sections from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith: 1. Duties of Elders (p. 86-88) 2. Modern Sons of Sceva (p.99) 3. Not Sent to Be Taught (p.156) 4. Priesthood and Church Organization (p.109) 5. No Peace But in Zion (p.161) 6. Records a Protection Against Evil (p.72-73)
July 4 2021: Fourth of July Special
July 11 2021: Lectures on Faith: Lecture Three, Part 2
1. Question 14-16: What effect would it have on any rational being not to have an idea that the Lord was God, the creator and upholder of all things? Why would it prevent him from exercising faith in God? Does this idea prevent this doubt? 2. Question 17-18: Is it not also necessary to have the idea that God is merciful, and gracious, tong suffering and full of goodness? Why is it necessary? 3. Question 19: Is it not equally as necessary that man should have an idea that God changes not, neither is there variableness with him, in order to exercise faith in him unto life and salvation? 4. Question 20: Is it not necessary also, for men to have an idea that God is a being of truth, before they can have perfect faith in him? 5. Question 21: Could man exercise faith in God so as to obtain eternal life unless he believed that God was no respecter of persons? 6. Question 22: Would it be possible for a man to exercise faith in God, so as to be saved, unless he had an idea that God was love? 7. Question 23: What is the description which the sacred writers give of the character of the Deity calculated to do? 8. Question 24: Is the character which God has given of himself uniform?
July 18 2021: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
1. The Prophet’s Answer to Sundry Questions (pg 119-121) 2. All Ordinances Necessary pg 331 3. Unwillingness of Saints to Learn pg 331 4. The Prophet’s Discourse From II Peter, First Chapter- Reproof of Self-Righteousness pg 303 5. The Punishment of Suspense pg 287-289 6. Men of God Endowed with Wisdom pg 311
August 1 2021: Lectures on Faith Four
August 7 2021: A Saturday morning fireside with The TWO Brothers from Australia! The topic for this fireside is "Revelation"
August 15 2021: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith with Lindey from Looking Up LDS Last days and Ryan and Kelly (read by Eric)
August 22 2021: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith with Christy and Brett
August 29 2021: The Macro Last Day Timeline Refresher
September 4 2021: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith with the TWOOO Brothers!
September 12 2021: Lectures on Faith 5
September 19 2021: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith with Jonathan and Joseph
September 26 2021: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith with Russell and Scott
October 10 2021: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith with Blake, Kim and Lindey
October 16 2021: A breakdown of 2 Nephi 27 and 28 with Micah and The TWOOOO Brothers
October 24 2021: The Last Days and Dealing with Difficult Relationships
October 31 2021: Lectures on Faith 6 Part One with Joseph (Limnah) and Ryan and Kelly (RTStarry)
November 14 2021: Points of Reference with Blake and Micah
November 20 2021: Joseph Smith to Return with The Two Brothers
November 27 2021: The Word of Wisdom
December 5 2021: Sisters and the Power of the Priesthood