Footmen: 4-6 early game, 2-4 mid game, 0-2 end game
Best bets for Footmen: Anyone who you hire who does not meet minimum spec requirements for any of the below classes, and who you don’t immediately fire. If you aren't playing Ironman and save scum recruits (as described in above section "Save Scumming") then you don't need a single footmen the whole game.
Stats and Increases: (pre level 11 follow direction below. Post level 11 order of importance)
**EXPLANATION: Berserk + Killing Frenzy for characters with high enough attack to make it worthwhile, Taunt + Indomitable for the rest.
Purpose: Keep useful party members alive (especially during early to mid Ironman games). If a footmen dies shrug it off and get a new one; if a useful party member dies ALT + F4.
Stats and Increases: (pre level 11 follow direction below. Post level 11 order of importance)
- Melee Defense: when rolls >2
- Melee Skill: when rolls >2
- Fatigue: when rolls >3
- Health: when rolls >3
- Resolve: when rolls >3
- Student
- Colossus
- Brawny
- *Weapon Mastery (Spear)*
- Underdog
- Battle Forged
- Recovery
- Rotation
- Shield Mastery
- /11. **Berserk + Killing Frenzy/ Taunt + Indomitable**
**EXPLANATION: Berserk + Killing Frenzy for characters with high enough attack to make it worthwhile, Taunt + Indomitable for the rest.
- Spear, shield, best armor, best helmet, bandages
- Throwing Nets
- Dagger
Purpose: Keep useful party members alive (especially during early to mid Ironman games). If a footmen dies shrug it off and get a new one; if a useful party member dies ALT + F4.
The Sergeant: 1 in Party
Best bets in Iron Man for Sergeant:
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Wildman, Cultist or Starting Bro
Wildman should be converted to Cultist during the course of the game (random event when you have another true cultist in your party). Wildman comes with the best base stats if rolled right. Starting Bros are tied to the map so you can find Starting Bros with amazing stats (as with Guntram above) and since you will have them from the beginning of the game they will easily hit level 20+ by day 365.
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
Secondary Stats: (pre level 11 when health roll>fatigue roll; post level 11 order of importance)
- Solid Bet: Witchhunter
- Expensive Safe Bet: Adventurous Noble
- Cheap Low Risk Bet: Gravedigger
- Wildcard: Cultist/Wildman
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Wildman, Cultist or Starting Bro
Wildman should be converted to Cultist during the course of the game (random event when you have another true cultist in your party). Wildman comes with the best base stats if rolled right. Starting Bros are tied to the map so you can find Starting Bros with amazing stats (as with Guntram above) and since you will have them from the beginning of the game they will easily hit level 20+ by day 365.
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
- Resolve: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 65+, Every level no limit
- Melee Skill: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 65+, Every level up to 120
- Fatigue: 3* and 100+, 2* and 110+, 1* and 120+, 0* and 130+, Every level up to 160
Secondary Stats: (pre level 11 when health roll>fatigue roll; post level 11 order of importance)
- Health (no limit)
- Melee Defense (up to 50)
Example Recruits:
Equipped Gear:
Inventory Gear:
- Student
- Colossus
- Fortified Mind
- Gifted
- Rally the Troops
- Brawny
- Battle Forged
- Backstabber
- Berserk
- Killing Frenzy
- Recovery
Equipped Gear:
- Battle Standard
- Heaviest Helm
- Heaviest Armor
- Sergeant’s Sash
Inventory Gear:
- Dagger
Zweihander: 5 in Party
Best bets in Iron Man for Zweihanders:
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Brawler, Wildman, Cultist, Starting Bro or Farmhand
Everything else spawns with stats too low or costs too much upkeep. Brawler, Wildman and Farmhand all easily convert into Cultist. Cultists spawn with completely random stats. Wildman always come with solid health, melee skill, fatigue and resolve but you have to make sure they spawn with solid defense as it can be extremely poor. Farmhands come with solid health and fatigue but the other stats are random and resolve can spawn extremely low (you'll want it to spawn 40+ minimum).
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
Secondary Stats: (Start filling these post level 11 once above hit max)
- Solid Bet: Militia
- Expensive Safe Bet: Hedge Knights
- Cheap Low Risk Bet: Brawler/Farmhand
- Wildcard: Wildman/Cultist
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Brawler, Wildman, Cultist, Starting Bro or Farmhand
Everything else spawns with stats too low or costs too much upkeep. Brawler, Wildman and Farmhand all easily convert into Cultist. Cultists spawn with completely random stats. Wildman always come with solid health, melee skill, fatigue and resolve but you have to make sure they spawn with solid defense as it can be extremely poor. Farmhands come with solid health and fatigue but the other stats are random and resolve can spawn extremely low (you'll want it to spawn 40+ minimum).
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
- Melee Skill: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 70, Every level up to 120
- Melee Defense: 3* and 0+, 2* and 5+, 1* and 10+, 0* and 20+, Every level up to 50
- Fatigue: 3* and 100+, 2* and 110+, 1* and 120+, 0* and 130+, Every level up to 160
Secondary Stats: (Start filling these post level 11 once above hit max)
- Health (no limit)
- Resolve (no limit)
Example Recruits:
Before Battle Forged:
After Battle Forged + 230 armor and helm + 2 handed sword:
Does well against: Most everyone Mid to Late game
Does poor against: Most everyone Early to Mid game
- Student
- Colossus
- Brawny
- Recovery
- Underdog
- Battle Forged
- Sword Mastery
- Reach Advantage
- Footwork
- Berserk
- Killing Frenzy
Before Battle Forged:
- Spear, best armor, shield, throwing net and bandages
After Battle Forged + 230 armor and helm + 2 handed sword:
- Best 2 handed sword you have
- 230+ armor and helm
- Bandages
- Dagger and throwing net in inventory
Does well against: Most everyone Mid to Late game
Does poor against: Most everyone Early to Mid game
Swordmaster: 2 in party
Best bet in Iron Man for Swordmaster:
*Strong Trait is a must but is completely unpredictable. If you get the strong trait on a useful background it is a bonus*
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Wildman or Starting Bro
Starting Bros are tied to the map so you can get some pretty amazing guys depending on what map you are playing. One of the maps listed in the Map Section has two starting bros that could build into this (would most likely have to take gifted). If Wildmen spawn with good rolls and strong they will be godly because of their naturally high fatigue, health and resolve.
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
Secondary Stats: (Pre level 11 whichever rolls highest. Post level 11 order of importance)
Tertiary Stats: (when above hit limit)
*Strong Trait is a must but is completely unpredictable. If you get the strong trait on a useful background it is a bonus*
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Wildman or Starting Bro
Starting Bros are tied to the map so you can get some pretty amazing guys depending on what map you are playing. One of the maps listed in the Map Section has two starting bros that could build into this (would most likely have to take gifted). If Wildmen spawn with good rolls and strong they will be godly because of their naturally high fatigue, health and resolve.
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
- Melee Defense: 3* and 0+, 2* and 5+, 1* and 10+, 0* and 20+, Every level up to 50
- Melee Skill: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 75+, Every level up to 120
Secondary Stats: (Pre level 11 whichever rolls highest. Post level 11 order of importance)
- Initiative (up to 160)
- Fatigue (up to 160)
Tertiary Stats: (when above hit limit)
- Health (no limit)
- Resolve (no limit)
Example Recruits:
Equipped Gear:
Before Sword Mastery:
After Sword Mastery:
After Battle Forged:
Inventory Gear:
Example Post Game:
- Student
- Dodge
- Brawny
- Sword Mastery
- Underdog
- Nimble
- Battle Forged
- Duelist
- Berserk
- Killing Frenzy
- *Gifted/Dagger Mastery/Rotation/Recovery*
Equipped Gear:
Before Sword Mastery:
- Best spear, best armor, best shield, dagger, net
After Sword Mastery:
- Replace spear with sword
After Battle Forged:
- Noble Sword or Unique Sword (very easy to obtain by save scumming enemy Hedge Knights)
- Direwolf Hide Armor , Direwolf Mail Armor or Unique Armor greater than 175 and fatigue penalty <20. Eventually your two swordmasters will be equipped with Aspect of Davkul and The Emperor's Armor respectively.
- Nasal Helmet with Rusty Mail/Nasal Helmet with Mail or Unique Helm with < -15 fatigue and > 250 armor. Eventually your two swordmasters will be equipped with the Glimpse of Davkul and The Emperor's Countenance respectively.
- Falcon/War dog before unique necklace after which you will use the Undead and Goblin necklace respectively.
Inventory Gear:
- Dagger
Example Post Game:
Does well against: Multi-hit enemies such as goblin wolf riders, necrosavants, direwolf etc
Does poor against: Two handed weapon users, nets, ranged
Does poor against: Two handed weapon users, nets, ranged
Master Archer: 4 in Party
Best bets in Iron Man for Master Archers:
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Bowyer, Poacher, Hunter, Starting Bro, Apprentice
As with the others above, your starting bro can be amazing and is tied to the map so as with maps listed above you can always get one with strong and eagle eyes for example. Save scumming the bowyer bow is not difficult (and unique bows are extremely difficult to find) and the bow carries his name so I like to save scum until I get a bowyer that is great. Poacher is overall the best choice as they can, unlike others classes like Hunter, Bowyer and Apprentice, be converted into a cultist. Hunters are much more expensive and cannot be converted into cultists but can spawn with godly stats. Apprentice can spawn with decent stats and gets a nice XP bonus which is very useful post level 11.
Main Base Desired Stats and Increases:
Secondary Stats: (Pre level 11 whichever rolls highest. Post level 11 order of importance)
Tertiary Stats:
- Solid Bet: Poacher
- Expensive Safe Bet: Hunter
- Cheap Low Risk Bet: Apprentice
- Wildcard: Bowyer
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Bowyer, Poacher, Hunter, Starting Bro, Apprentice
As with the others above, your starting bro can be amazing and is tied to the map so as with maps listed above you can always get one with strong and eagle eyes for example. Save scumming the bowyer bow is not difficult (and unique bows are extremely difficult to find) and the bow carries his name so I like to save scum until I get a bowyer that is great. Poacher is overall the best choice as they can, unlike others classes like Hunter, Bowyer and Apprentice, be converted into a cultist. Hunters are much more expensive and cannot be converted into cultists but can spawn with godly stats. Apprentice can spawn with decent stats and gets a nice XP bonus which is very useful post level 11.
Main Base Desired Stats and Increases:
- Ranged Skill: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 70+, Every level up to 120
- Ranged Defense: 3* and 0+, 2* and 5+, 1* and 10+, 0* and 20+, Every level up to 50
Secondary Stats: (Pre level 11 whichever rolls highest. Post level 11 order of importance)
- Initiative (up to 160)
- Fatigue (up to 160)
Tertiary Stats:
- Health (no limit)
Example Recruits:
Equipped Gear:
Inventory Gear:
Does well against: Living
Does poor against: Undead
- Student
- Dodge
- Anticipation
- Bow Mastery
- Pathfinder
- Nimble
- Berserk
- Killing Frenzy
- Bullseye
- /11. *Crippling Strike + Executioner / Fast Adaptation + Overwhelm / Recover + Quick Hands*
Equipped Gear:
- Best Bow
- Dark Rugged Surcoat, Blotched Gambeson or Unique Armor (with <-10 fatigue). If he has strong trait you can equip higher.
- Closed Mail Coif or Unique Helm (with no penalty to vision). If he spawns with eagle eye you can equip zweihander helmet or unique helm with -1 to vision.
- Dog
Inventory Gear:
- 1-2x Quiver of arrows
- Dagger/Throwing net*
Does well against: Living
Does poor against: Undead
Arbalester: 4 in Party
Best bets for Arbalesters:
Main Base Desired Stats and Increases:
Secondary Stats: (pre level 11 which ever rolls higher, post level 11 order of importance)
Tertiary Stats: (when above reach desired number)
1. Health (no limit)
- Solid Bet: Poacher
- Expensive Safe Bet: Hunter/Witch hunter
- Cheap Low Risk Bet: Apprentice
- Wildcard: Bowyer
Main Base Desired Stats and Increases:
- Ranged Skill: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 70+, Every level up to 100
- Fatigue: 3* and 100+, 2* and 110+, 1* and 120+, 0* and 130+, Every level up to 160
Secondary Stats: (pre level 11 which ever rolls higher, post level 11 order of importance)
- Ranged Defense (up to 30)
- Melee Skill (up to 80)
Tertiary Stats: (when above reach desired number)
1. Health (no limit)
Example Recruits:
Equipped Gear:
Inventory Gear:
Does well against: Goblins and Orcs
Does poor against: Creatures (werewolves and nachzehrers)
- Student
- Quick Hands
- Brawny
- Crossbow Mastery
- Footwork
- Battle Forged
- Berserk
- Killing Frenzy
- Bags and Pelts
- /11. *Axe Mastery + Throwing Mastery/ Recovery + Axe Mastery / Colossus + Anticipation*
Equipped Gear:
- Crossbow plus equipped bolts
- Best armor possible
- Padded Flat Top Helmet, Zweihander’s Helmet or Unique Helm with only -1 vision (this changes if he has eagle eye to -2 vision penalty)
- War dog (invaluable against Necrosavants)
Inventory Gear:
- Throwing Axes or Unique throwing weapons (x2)
- Longaxe (range of 2) or unique equivalent
- War axe (range of 1) or unique equivalent
Does well against: Goblins and Orcs
Does poor against: Creatures (werewolves and nachzehrers)
Billman: 0-2 in party
Best bets in Iron Man for Billman:
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Witch hunter
Witch hunters gain a +20 resolve check versus geists which is one of the best reasons of having and using a Billman. Cultists also make good Billmen.
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
Secondary Stats: (when above hit their limits)
Example Recruits:
- Solid Bet: Witchhunter
- Expensive Safe Bet: Adventurous Noble
- Cheap Low Risk Bet: Gravedigger
- Wildcard: Cultist/Wildman
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Witch hunter
Witch hunters gain a +20 resolve check versus geists which is one of the best reasons of having and using a Billman. Cultists also make good Billmen.
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
- Melee Skill: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 65+, Every level up to 120
- Resolve: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 65+, Every level up to 120*
- Fatigue: 3* and 100+, 2* and 110+, 1* and 120+, 0* and 130+, Every level up to 160
Secondary Stats: (when above hit their limits)
- Health (no limit)
- Melee Defense (up to 50)*
Example Recruits:
Equipped Gear:
Before Battle Forged:
After Battle Forged >230 armor and helm
After Bags and Pelts:
Does well against: Necrosavants, Geists, Undead Priests
Does poor against: Ranged
- Student
- Quick Hands
- Brawny
- Pole Arm
- Fortified Mind
- Rally the Troops
- Battle Forged
- Bags and Pelts
- Recovery
- /11. *Berserk + Killing Frenzy/ Footwork + Fearsome/ Gifted + Colossus*
Equipped Gear:
Before Battle Forged:
- Shield
- Heaviest Helm
- Heaviest Armor
- War Dog (for necrosavants)
- Highest damage 2 distance weapon*
After Battle Forged >230 armor and helm
- War Scythe (when you pick one up)
- >230 Helm
- >230 Armor
- War Dog (for necrosavants)
- Throwing net x2
After Bags and Pelts:
- War Scythe (when you pick one up)
- >230 Helm
- >230 Armor
- War Dog (for necrosavants)
- Highest damage Polearm (Billhook or unique)
- Goblin skewer (for Necrosavants)
- Throwing net x2
Does well against: Necrosavants, Geists, Undead Priests
Does poor against: Ranged
hedge Knight: 0-2 in Party
Best bets in Iron Man for Hedge Knights:
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Brawler, Wildman, Cultist, Starting Bro or Farmhand
Everything else spawns with stats too low or costs too much upkeep. Brawler, Wildman and Farmhand all easily convert into Cultist. Cultists spawn with completely random stats. Wildman always come with solid health, melee skill, fatigue and resolve but you have to make sure they spawn with solid defense as it can be extremely poor. Farmhands come with solid health and fatigue but the other stats are random and resolve can spawn extremely low (you'll want it to spawn 40+ minimum).
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
Secondary Stats: (Start filling these post level 11 once above hit max)
Example Recruits:
- Solid Bet: Militia
- Expensive Safe Bet: Hedge Knights
- Cheap Low Risk Bet: Brawler/Farmhand
- Wildcard: Wildman/Cultist
Ssenkrad's Save Scumming Pick: Brawler, Wildman, Cultist, Starting Bro or Farmhand
Everything else spawns with stats too low or costs too much upkeep. Brawler, Wildman and Farmhand all easily convert into Cultist. Cultists spawn with completely random stats. Wildman always come with solid health, melee skill, fatigue and resolve but you have to make sure they spawn with solid defense as it can be extremely poor. Farmhands come with solid health and fatigue but the other stats are random and resolve can spawn extremely low (you'll want it to spawn 40+ minimum).
Main Based Desired Stats and Increases:
- Fatigue: 3* and 100+, 2* and 110+, 1* and 120+, 0* and 130+, Every level up to 160
- Melee Skill: 3* and 50+, 2* and 55+, 1* and 60+, 0* and 70, Every level up to 120
- Melee Defense: 3* and 0+, 2* and 5+, 1* and 10+, 0* and 20+, Every level up to 50
Secondary Stats: (Start filling these post level 11 once above hit max)
- Health (no limit)
- Resolve (no limit)
Example Recruits:
Before Battle Forged:
After Battle Forged + 230 armor and helm + 2 handed hammer:
Does well against: Humans and Orcs
Does poor against: Goblins and Undead
- Student
- Colossus
- Brawny
- Recovery
- Underdog
- Battle Forged
- Hammer Mastery
- Reach Advantage
- Fearsome
- /11. Berserk + Killing Frenzy / Indomitable + Overwhelm
Before Battle Forged:
- Spear, best armor, shield, throwing net and bandages
After Battle Forged + 230 armor and helm + 2 handed hammer:
- Best 2 handed hammer you have
- 230+ armor and helm
- Bandages/Orc Necklace
- Dagger and throwing net in inventory
Does well against: Humans and Orcs
Does poor against: Goblins and Undead