Formations: Early-mid Game
In early to mid game you are mostly only fighting humans (Brigand Thugs/Raiders), Undead (Wiedergangers/Ancient Auxillaries), Beasts (Direwolves/ Nachzehrers) and Orcs (Orc young). You shouldn’t be fighting Goblins, avoid at all costs. There are only two formations you are going to use:
Formation 1: (against Humans and Orcs)
Formation 1: (against Humans and Orcs)
*On Ironman these will be your meat class
The Shield + Spear people will be your early game Zweihanders and Swordmasters. Your Bow/XBow will be your early game Arbalesters and Master Archers.
Formation 2: (against Creatures and Undead)
The Shield + Spear people will be your early game Zweihanders and Swordmasters. Your Bow/XBow will be your early game Arbalesters and Master Archers.
Formation 2: (against Creatures and Undead)
*On Ironman these will be your meat class
The Shield + Spear people will be your early game Zweihanders and Swordmasters. Your Ranged 2 Weapon will most likely be pitchforks (early) and phase into longaxes, ideally these will be your future Arbalesters.
The Shield + Spear people will be your early game Zweihanders and Swordmasters. Your Ranged 2 Weapon will most likely be pitchforks (early) and phase into longaxes, ideally these will be your future Arbalesters.
Formations: Mid-End Game
Formation 1: (against Humans and Goblins)
Formation 2: (against unknown enemies)
Formation 3: (against Undead and Orcs)