A. "The Mule" as a companion where their entire function is to do nothing more than to "mule" items for the party.
Q. How does it work?
A. Once you open up your "homestead" you will have an area appear called "hall of heroes", this is where dismissed companions go and wait for you to pick them up again. Dismiss a companion by talking to them and "asking them to leave the party", then talk to the companion that you have set up to be your mule (Bairdotr has been voted "most likely to be mule" 6 games running...) and ask them to join the group. Dump gear such as ore, branches, etc. on to them for current or later use.
Q. What talents/stats should I give "The Mule"?
A. Pick up "scientist" talent as well as "packmule" and dump all their stat points into Str- this will allow them to carry a massive amount of weight. Then put your crafting, blacksmithing, and loremaster +1/2 gear on them. As they level up, put ability points into crafting, blacksmithing, and loremaster so that after gear bonuses all of those skills are a 5+. Add into tenebrium skill as soon as you get some of the ore and wish to coat your weapons with it- most useful when done between levels 13-20.
Q. What are the pro's for doing this?
A. None of your main 4 champions need to put a single point into any of those skills. You can pick up everything in the game and not have to worry about your own inventory getting messy. You don't have to hassle with putting +1/2 gear on and off your main four. Crafting/blacksmithing/tenebrium damage is beyond useful.
Q. How often do you go back and use your mule?
A. Every level (or couple hours, whichever comes first) I go back to homestead, dismiss Jahan or Madora and pick up Bairdotr (who has been voted most likely to be my mule 6 games running...). She (Bairdotr) identifies all the gear I found, I then do my merchant run and finish (after doing all my purchases) with my blacksmithing/crafting before I dismiss her and pick Madora/Jahan back up and continue.
Q. Does this work with dual lonewolfs?
A. Obviously, no, which is one of the biggest "con's" to going with a dual wolf team.
Q. Does this work with henchmen/hirelings or only companions?
A. Only companions. Companions (the four) will auto level up with the source hunters even when not "in the party" while hirelings/henchmen will not.